Anyone who starts to design a vehicle, including rovers, realizes very quickly how complicated the overall system and the dependencies between its subsystems can be. It is crucial for engineers and entrepreneurs to answer key design questions, take decisions, and evaluate quickly the feasibility of their project. Inspired by the emergence of technologies like digital twins, at Space Mining Technology we are developing ARMSTRONG (Automated Robotic Models for System Tradeoffs and Goals), a collaborative engineering set of simulation models that allows the simultaneous design of interconnected subsystems in Phase A/B.
ARMSTRONG is an integrated tool for preliminary system design powered by state-of-the-art techniques in the field of concurrent engineering and artificial intelligence. ARMSTRONG’s architecture makes it possible to capture the inherent essence of a complex system: recurrence, dependencies and design convergence while maintaining a computational focus.
ARMSTRONG’s architecture is designed to be modular, flexible and scalable and to minimize integration efforts. You can add new models, new parameters or new dependency relations as you please, without any architectural modifications required. New subsystem or system models can be incorporated in very few steps.
ARMSTRONG is your ally in reducing design time, cost and risk while bringing automation and matching the quality of an equivalent concurrent design trade-off exercise.
Furthermore, ARMSTRONG equips AI and Multidisciplinary Optimization techniques to bring your design one step further, allowing for system-level and subsystem-level optimization to fine-tune towards an optimal solution.